Requirements: Android 1.6+
Weather Services PRO v1.7 Apk. Weather Services is a new
weather app with clock, 4 widgets and graphic themes.
Get the latest current conditions, forecasts, weather chart, maps, webcams and more with largest network of
professional weather stations all over the world...
Weather Services PRO v1.7 Apk ========
- Live, local weather
conditions and forecasts
- Access up to tens of thousands of locations around world
- 4 desktop widgets (Weather&Clock 4x2, Forecast 4x1, Clock 4x1, Mini 1x1)
- Notification bar temperature icon, on slide-down all important weather details with quicka access to app
- Up to 10 active locations
- Great customization possibilities
- One of the best battery consumption application
on the Market - Webcams, charts & weather maps (
satellite, HD available)
- THEMES - customize your app by one click !
- Fully customizable (font types, backgrounds, colors and others)
- Easy use and high-impact visual
eye candy views
- Cached weather data for offline viewing
- Quick access to your default clock and calendar applications
- Android 1.6+, QVGA, WQVGA400/432, HVGA, WVGA800/854 compatible
What's in this version:
Weather Services PRO v1.7 Apk Added: Weather alerts !
Added: Cloudiness (hourly and detailed forecast) charts
Fixed: Few small UI design bugs and corrections
Added: New welcome
screen with WEATHER PROVIDERS selection
Fixed: Bug with wrong temperature (actual and forecasted) for some locations with weather data provider
Download :
Weather Services PRO v1.7 Apk